Master all 90 Spanish Verbs in 30 days by using these methods:

  1. Agarrar - To grab, to take
  2. Andar - To walk around, to hang out
  3. Armar un plan - To make a plan
  4. Armar - To assemble, to put together
  5. Arreglar - To fix, to arrange
  6. Bajarse - To get off, to leave
  7. Batallar - To struggle, to have a hard time
  8. Bromear - To joke around
  9. Bronquear - To get into a fight
  10. Botar - To throw away, to discard
  11. Calentar - To warm up, to provoke
  12. Cachar - To catch, to understand
  13. Cagarla - To mess up, to screw up
  14. Cepillar - To brush off, to ignore
  15. Chacharear - To shop for trinkets
  16. Chafear - To do a poor job
  17. Chalear - To chat informally
  18. Chambear - To work (commonly used in Mexico)
  19. Chillar - To complain loudly or whine