Drill: Practicing the Use of "Estuve" in Spanish

This drill will help you practice using the verb "estuve," which is the first-person singular form of the verb "estar" in the preterite tense. "Estuve" is used to describe temporary states, conditions, or locations in the past. Work through these exercises to improve your understanding and application of "estuve."

Part 1: Fill in the Blanks

Complete the following sentences by filling in the blank with "estuve" and the correct phrase.

  1. Ayer ___ muy ocupado con mi trabajo.
  2. ___ en casa todo el fin de semana pasado.
  3. Después de la carrera, ___ muy cansado.
  4. ___ de viaje por una semana el mes pasado.
  5. Durante la conferencia, ___ tomando notas.

Part 2: Multiple Choice

Select the correct translation for each sentence using "estuve."

  1. I was at the library yesterday.
  2. Last night, I was very tired after the party.
  3. I was sick for two days.
  4. I was with my friends all weekend.
  5. I was reading a book when you called.

Part 3: Sentence Transformation

Transform the following sentences by changing the tense to use "estuve."

  1. Estoy en la oficina ahora.

    Change to past tense: