Here's a similar chart focusing on the Spanish forms using "Te" (you - informal, object pronoun):

Chart: Spanish Forms with "Te" ("You" - Object Pronoun)

English Spanish Usage Example Translation
I help you te ayudo Yo te ayudo con la tarea. I help you with the homework.
I see you te veo Yo te veo en la escuela. I see you at school.
I hear you te escucho Yo te escucho claramente. I hear you clearly.
I call you te llamo Yo te llamo más tarde. I’ll call you later.
I tell you te digo Yo te digo la verdad. I tell you the truth.
I bring you te traigo Yo te traigo un regalo. I bring you a gift.
I give you te doy Yo te doy mi palabra. I give you my word.
I take you te llevo Yo te llevo al cine. I take you to the movies.
I ask you te pregunto Yo te pregunto algo importante. I ask you something important.
I love you te amo Yo te amo con todo mi corazón. I love you with all my heart.
I wait for you te espero Yo te espero en la entrada. I wait for you at the entrance.
I understand you te entiendo Yo te entiendo perfectamente. I understand you perfectly.
I miss you te extraño Yo te extraño mucho. I miss you a lot.
I write to you te escribo Yo te escribo una carta. I write you a letter.
I invite you te invito Yo te invito a mi fiesta. I invite you to my party.

Usage Notes:

  1. Te (You): "Te" is the object pronoun used for the second person singular in informal situations. It is used to indicate the direct or indirect object of a verb, often corresponding to "you" in English.
  2. Te ayudo (I help you): Indicates that the action of helping is directed towards "you."
  3. Te veo (I see you): Indicates that the action of seeing is directed towards "you."
  4. Te escucho (I hear you): Indicates that the action of hearing is directed towards "you."
  5. Te llamo (I call you): Indicates that the action of calling is directed towards "you."
  6. Te digo (I tell you): Indicates that the action of telling is directed towards "you."
  7. Te traigo (I bring you): Indicates that the action of bringing is directed towards "you."
  8. Te doy (I give you): Indicates that the action of giving is directed towards "you."
  9. Te llevo (I take you): Indicates that the action of taking is directed towards "you."
  10. Te pregunto (I ask you): Indicates that the action of asking is directed towards "you."
  11. Te amo (I love you): Indicates that the action of loving is directed towards "you."
  12. Te espero (I wait for you): Indicates that the action of waiting is directed towards "you."
  13. Te entiendo (I understand you): Indicates that the action of understanding is directed towards "you."
  14. Te extraño (I miss you): Indicates that the action of missing is directed towards "you."
  15. Te escribo (I write to you): Indicates that the action of writing is directed towards "you."
  16. Te invito (I invite you): Indicates that the action of inviting is directed towards "you."