Here’s a chart focusing on the Spanish forms using "Ti" (you - informal, prepositional pronoun):

Chart: Spanish Forms with "Ti" ("You" - Prepositional Pronoun)

English Spanish Usage Example Translation
For you para ti Este regalo es para ti. This gift is for you.
To you a ti A ti te gusta la música. You like music.
With you contigo Quiero ir contigo al cine. I want to go with you to the movies.
Without you sin ti No puedo vivir sin ti. I can't live without you.
From you de ti No esperaba eso de ti. I didn't expect that from you.
About you sobre ti Estoy preocupado por ti. I am worried about you.
In you en ti Confío en ti. I trust in you.
Before you ante ti Estoy de pie ante ti. I am standing before you.
After you detrás de ti Estoy justo detrás de ti. I am right behind you.
To you (direction) hacia ti Camino hacia ti. I walk towards you.
According to you según tú / según ti Según tú, deberíamos irnos pronto. According to you, we should leave soon.
On you en ti La responsabilidad recae en ti. The responsibility falls on you.

Usage Notes:

  1. Para ti (For you): Used when expressing that something is intended for "you."
  2. A ti (To you): Often used to emphasize the person receiving the action, typically with verbs like "gustar."
  3. Contigo (With you): A combination of "con" (with) and "ti," used to express being with someone.
  4. Sin ti (Without you): Expresses absence or something being without "you."
  5. De ti (From you): Indicates the source or origin from "you."
  6. Sobre ti (About you): Used to express concern or discussion about "you."
  7. En ti (In you): Used to express trust or faith in "you."
  8. Ante ti (Before you): Used in formal contexts to indicate standing before someone.
  9. Detrás de ti (Behind you): Indicates being physically behind "you."
  10. Hacia ti (Towards you): Indicates direction or movement towards "you."
  11. Según ti (According to you): Used to express opinions or statements that are according to "you."
  12. En ti (On you): Used to indicate responsibility or reliance on "you."

This chart provides a detailed guide on how to use "ti" in Spanish, helping learners understand how to express various prepositional relationships in informal situations.