The word "ni" in Spanish is a conjunction typically used to express negation, similar to "nor" or "neither...nor" in English. Here is a chart that explains the different uses and forms of "ni" with English translations and example sentences.

Chart: All Forms of the Spanish Word "Ni" with English Translation and Use in a Sentence

Form English Translation Example Sentence in Spanish English Translation
Ni (as a standalone word) Nor, Neither No me gusta ni el café ni el té. I like neither coffee nor tea.
Ni... ni Neither...nor Ni Juan ni Pedro vinieron a la fiesta. Neither Juan nor Pedro came to the party.
Ni siquiera Not even Ni siquiera me llamaste. You didn't even call me.
Ni... tampoco Neither...either No estudio ni trabajo tampoco. I neither study nor work either.
Ni que As if (expressing sarcasm) Ni que fuera tan fácil. As if it were that easy.

Usage Notes:

  1. Ni (as a standalone word): Used to negate elements in a sentence, often to indicate that not even one of multiple options is true.
  2. Ni... ni: This structure is used to link two or more elements in a sentence, indicating that none of them apply.
  3. Ni siquiera: This phrase intensifies negation, meaning "not even."
  4. Ni... tampoco: Used to express that something is not true in addition to something else also being untrue, similar to "neither...either" in English.
  5. Ni que: This phrase is used to express sarcasm, similar to "as if" in English.

Examples in Context:

This chart should help you understand how "ni" is used in various contexts in Spanish, showing how it contributes to different types of negation and emphasizing certain statements.