Chart: Spanish Forms of "I" "Yo"

English Spanish Usage Example Translation
I yo Yo estudio español. I study Spanish.
I am yo soy Yo soy estudiante. I am a student.
I am (temporary) yo estoy Yo estoy cansado. I am tired.
I have yo tengo Yo tengo un perro. I have a dog.
I do/make yo hago Yo hago mi tarea. I do my homework.
I go yo voy Yo voy al mercado. I go to the market.
I want yo quiero Yo quiero comer. I want to eat.
I can yo puedo Yo puedo correr rápido. I can run fast.
I see yo veo Yo veo una película. I see a movie.
I say/tell yo digo Yo digo la verdad. I tell the truth.
I know (facts) yo sé Yo sé la respuesta. I know the answer.
I know (people) yo conozco Yo conozco a María. I know María.
I think yo pienso Yo pienso en ti. I think about you.
I feel yo siento Yo siento alegría. I feel joy.
I like (A mí) me gusta (A mí) me gusta la música. I like music.

Usage Notes:

  1. Yo (I): This is the subject pronoun used to indicate the first person singular, similar to "I" in English. It is often omitted because the verb conjugation already implies the subject.
  2. Yo soy (I am): Used for permanent states or characteristics, such as professions, nationalities, or inherent qualities.
  3. Yo estoy (I am): Used for temporary states or conditions, such as emotions, locations, or ongoing actions.
  4. Yo tengo (I have): Indicates possession or age.
  5. Yo hago (I do/make): Indicates actions of doing or making.
  6. Yo voy (I go): Indicates movement or travel.
  7. Yo quiero (I want): Indicates desire or intention.
  8. Yo puedo (I can): Indicates ability or permission.
  9. Yo veo (I see): Indicates the action of seeing.
  10. Yo digo (I say/tell): Indicates the action of saying or telling.
  11. Yo sé (I know): Used for knowing facts or information.
  12. Yo conozco (I know): Used for being familiar with people or places.
  13. Yo pienso (I think): Indicates thoughts or opinions.
  14. Yo siento (I feel): Indicates emotions or physical sensations.
  15. (A mí) me gusta (I like): Indicates preferences or likes. "A mí" can be added for emphasis but is not necessary.