Here’s a chart focusing on the Spanish forms using "Tú eres" (You are - informal, permanent):

Chart: Spanish Forms with "Tú eres" ("You are" - Permanent)

English Spanish Usage Example Translation
You are a student Tú eres estudiante Tú eres un buen estudiante. You are a good student.
You are intelligent Tú eres inteligente Tú eres muy inteligente. You are very intelligent.
You are a teacher Tú eres profesor Tú eres mi profesor favorito. You are my favorite teacher.
You are my friend Tú eres mi amigo Tú eres mi mejor amigo. You are my best friend.
You are tall Tú eres alto Tú eres más alto que yo. You are taller than me.
You are responsible Tú eres responsable Tú eres responsable de este proyecto. You are responsible for this project.
You are brave Tú eres valiente Tú eres muy valiente al enfrentar el peligro. You are very brave in facing danger.
You are kind Tú eres amable Tú eres amable con todos. You are kind to everyone.
You are honest Tú eres honesto Tú eres una persona muy honesta. You are a very honest person.
You are generous Tú eres generoso Tú eres generoso con tu tiempo. You are generous with your time.
You are hardworking Tú eres trabajador Tú eres uno de los más trabajadores de la empresa. You are one of the hardest workers in the company.
You are talented Tú eres talentoso Tú eres muy talentoso en la música. You are very talented in music.
You are loyal Tú eres leal Tú eres leal a tus principios. You are loyal to your principles.

Usage Notes:

  1. Tú eres (You are): "Tú eres" is used to indicate permanent qualities or characteristics of a person, such as identity, personality traits, or inherent abilities.
  2. Tú eres inteligente (You are intelligent): Indicates that intelligence is a characteristic of the person.
  3. Tú eres profesor (You are a teacher): Indicates a person’s profession or role.
  4. Tú eres mi amigo (You are my friend): Expresses the permanent state of friendship.
  5. Tú eres alto (You are tall): Describes a person’s height, which is a physical characteristic.
  6. Tú eres responsable (You are responsible): Indicates the person's responsibility, often in a specific context.
  7. Tú eres valiente (You are brave): Describes the person’s bravery as a permanent trait.
  8. Tú eres amable (You are kind): Describes kindness as an inherent characteristic.
  9. Tú eres honesto (You are honest): Indicates honesty as a defining trait.
  10. Tú eres generoso (You are generous): Describes generosity as a defining characteristic.
  11. Tú eres trabajador (You are hardworking): Indicates that hard work is a defining trait of the person.
  12. Tú eres talentoso (You are talented): Describes talent as a defining characteristic.
  13. Tú eres leal (You are loyal): Indicates loyalty as a defining trait.

This chart provides a comprehensive guide to the different ways to use "Tú eres" in Spanish, helping learners understand how to express permanent characteristics or qualities in informal situations.