Here’s a chart focusing on the Spanish forms using "Tú vas" (You go - informal):

Chart: Spanish Forms with "Tú vas" ("You go")

English Spanish Usage Example Translation
You go to school Tú vas a la escuela Tú vas a la escuela todos los días. You go to school every day.
You go to work Tú vas al trabajo Tú vas al trabajo en autobús. You go to work by bus.
You go to the store Tú vas a la tienda Tú vas a la tienda a comprar pan. You go to the store to buy bread.
You go to the gym Tú vas al gimnasio Tú vas al gimnasio por la mañana. You go to the gym in the morning.
You go to the park Tú vas al parque Tú vas al parque a pasear al perro. You go to the park to walk the dog.
You go to the doctor Tú vas al médico Tú vas al médico cuando te sientes mal. You go to the doctor when you feel sick.
You go to the movies Tú vas al cine Tú vas al cine con tus amigos los fines de semana. You go to the movies with your friends on weekends.
You go on vacation Tú vas de vacaciones Tú vas de vacaciones en verano. You go on vacation in the summer.
You go to bed Tú vas a la cama Tú vas a la cama a las diez de la noche. You go to bed at ten at night.
You go to the beach Tú vas a la playa Tú vas a la playa los domingos. You go to the beach on Sundays.
You go to the restaurant Tú vas al restaurante Tú vas al restaurante para cenar. You go to the restaurant for dinner.
You go to the library Tú vas a la biblioteca Tú vas a la biblioteca a estudiar. You go to the library to study.
You go to the airport Tú vas al aeropuerto Tú vas al aeropuerto a recoger a tu hermano. You go to the airport to pick up your brother.
You go to church Tú vas a la iglesia Tú vas a la iglesia los domingos. You go to church on Sundays.

Usage Notes:

  1. Tú vas (You go): "Tú vas" is used to describe the action of going somewhere. It’s often followed by a preposition such as "a" (to) or "de" (from) to indicate the destination or origin.
  2. Tú vas a la escuela (You go to school): Indicates that the person regularly attends or travels to school.
  3. Tú vas al trabajo (You go to work): Indicates that the person regularly attends or travels to their workplace.
  4. Tú vas a la tienda (You go to the store): Indicates that the person is traveling to a store, usually to purchase something.
  5. Tú vas al gimnasio (You go to the gym): Indicates that the person regularly attends or travels to the gym to exercise.
  6. Tú vas al parque (You go to the park): Indicates that the person is traveling to a park, often for leisure activities.
  7. Tú vas al médico (You go to the doctor): Indicates that the person is going to see a doctor, usually for health reasons.
  8. Tú vas al cine (You go to the movies): Indicates that the person is traveling to a cinema to watch a movie.
  9. Tú vas de vacaciones (You go on vacation): Indicates that the person is going on a vacation, usually for leisure and relaxation.
  10. Tú vas a la cama (You go to bed): Indicates that the person is going to bed, usually to sleep.
  11. Tú vas a la playa (You go to the beach): Indicates that the person is traveling to the beach, usually for relaxation or recreation.
  12. Tú vas al restaurante (You go to the restaurant): Indicates that the person is traveling to a restaurant, usually for a meal.
  13. Tú vas a la biblioteca (You go to the library): Indicates that the person is traveling to a library, often for studying or reading.
  14. Tú vas al aeropuerto (You go to the airport): Indicates that the person is traveling to the airport, often to catch a flight or pick someone up.
  15. Tú vas a la iglesia (You go to church): Indicates that the person regularly attends or travels to a church, usually for worship.

This chart provides a comprehensive guide to using "Tú vas" in Spanish, helping learners understand how to describe where someone goes or travels to in informal contexts.