Here’s a chart focusing on the Spanish forms using "Tú eras" (You were - informal, imperfect tense):

Chart: Spanish Forms with "Tú eras" ("You were")

English Spanish Usage Example Translation
You were a student Tú eras estudiante Tú eras un buen estudiante en la escuela. You were a good student in school.
You were young Tú eras joven Cuando tú eras joven, jugabas mucho. When you were young, you played a lot.
You were happy Tú eras feliz Tú eras feliz en esa época. You were happy during that time.
You were a teacher Tú eras profesor Tú eras mi profesor favorito en la universidad. You were my favorite teacher in college.
You were my friend Tú eras mi amigo Tú eras mi mejor amigo en la infancia. You were my best friend in childhood.
You were responsible Tú eras responsable Siempre tú eras responsable en el trabajo. You were always responsible at work.
You were kind Tú eras amable Tú eras amable con todos los vecinos. You were kind to all the neighbors.
You were tall Tú eras alto Tú eras el más alto de la clase. You were the tallest in the class.
You were honest Tú eras honesto Todo el mundo sabía que tú eras honesto. Everyone knew you were honest.
You were generous Tú eras generoso Tú eras generoso con tu tiempo y dinero. You were generous with your time and money.
You were brave Tú eras valiente Tú eras valiente durante los momentos difíciles. You were brave during difficult times.
You were talented Tú eras talentoso Tú eras talentoso en la música desde niño. You were talented in music since childhood.
You were loyal Tú eras leal Tú eras leal a tus amigos siempre. You were always loyal to your friends.
You were hardworking Tú eras trabajador Tú eras uno de los más trabajadores en la empresa. You were one of the hardest workers in the company.
You were quiet Tú eras callado En la escuela, tú eras muy callado. In school, you were very quiet.

Usage Notes:

  1. Tú eras (You were): "Tú eras" is used in the imperfect tense to describe past states, characteristics, or habitual actions. It implies that something was true over a period of time in the past.
  2. Tú eras estudiante (You were a student): Describes the person’s role or status in the past.
  3. Tú eras joven (You were young): Describes the person’s age or stage in life.
  4. Tú eras feliz (You were happy): Describes the person’s emotional state in the past.
  5. Tú eras profesor (You were a teacher): Describes the person’s profession in the past.
  6. Tú eras mi amigo (You were my friend): Describes the person’s relationship status or role in the past.
  7. Tú eras responsable (You were responsible): Describes a consistent characteristic or behavior in the past.
  8. Tú eras amable (You were kind): Describes the person’s nature or behavior towards others in the past.
  9. Tú eras alto (You were tall): Describes the person’s physical characteristic in the past.
  10. Tú eras honesto (You were honest): Describes the person’s moral character in the past.
  11. Tú eras generoso (You were generous): Describes the person’s generosity or willingness to give.
  12. Tú eras valiente (You were brave): Describes the person’s courage during challenging times.
  13. Tú eras talentoso (You were talented): Describes a skill or ability the person had in the past.
  14. Tú eras leal (You were loyal): Describes the person’s loyalty to friends or principles.
  15. Tú eras trabajador (You were hardworking): Describes the person’s work ethic in the past.
  16. Tú eras callado (You were quiet): Describes the person’s demeanor or behavior in social settings.