Here’s a chart focusing on the Spanish forms using "Tú estabas" (You were - informal, imperfect tense, temporary state):

Chart: Spanish Forms with "Tú estabas" ("You were")

English Spanish Usage Example Translation
You were tired Tú estabas cansado Tú estabas cansado después del trabajo. You were tired after work.
You were happy Tú estabas feliz Tú estabas feliz en la fiesta. You were happy at the party.
You were at home Tú estabas en casa Tú estabas en casa cuando llamé. You were at home when I called.
You were sick Tú estabas enfermo Tú estabas enfermo la semana pasada. You were sick last week.
You were worried Tú estabas preocupado Tú estabas preocupado por el examen. You were worried about the exam.
You were busy Tú estabas ocupado Tú estabas ocupado con el proyecto. You were busy with the project.
You were sad Tú estabas triste Tú estabas triste después de ver la película. You were sad after watching the movie.
You were nervous Tú estabas nervioso Tú estabas nervioso antes de la presentación. You were nervous before the presentation.
You were excited Tú estabas emocionado Tú estabas emocionado por el viaje. You were excited about the trip.
You were angry Tú estabas enojado Tú estabas enojado por la situación. You were angry about the situation.
You were in the park Tú estabas en el parque Tú estabas en el parque cuando empezó a llover. You were in the park when it started to rain.
You were waiting Tú estabas esperando Tú estabas esperando el autobús cuando te vi. You were waiting for the bus when I saw you.
You were lost Tú estabas perdido Tú estabas perdido en la ciudad. You were lost in the city.
You were thinking Tú estabas pensando Tú estabas pensando en tus vacaciones. You were thinking about your vacation.
You were studying Tú estabas estudiando Tú estabas estudiando para el examen cuando llegué. You were studying for the exam when I arrived.

Usage Notes:

  1. Tú estabas (You were): "Tú estabas" is used in the imperfect tense to describe temporary states, conditions, or ongoing actions in the past. It emphasizes that the state or action was ongoing or habitual during a certain period.
  2. Tú estabas cansado (You were tired): Describes a temporary state of fatigue or tiredness.
  3. Tú estabas feliz (You were happy): Describes a temporary state of happiness.
  4. Tú estabas en casa (You were at home): Describes someone’s location during a specific time in the past.
  5. Tú estabas enfermo (You were sick): Describes a temporary state of illness.
  6. Tú estabas preocupado (You were worried): Describes a temporary state of concern or worry.
  7. Tú estabas ocupado (You were busy): Describes a temporary state of being busy or occupied.
  8. Tú estabas triste (You were sad): Describes a temporary state of sadness.
  9. Tú estabas nervioso (You were nervous): Describes a temporary state of nervousness or anxiety.
  10. Tú estabas emocionado (You were excited): Describes a temporary state of excitement or anticipation.
  11. Tú estabas enojado (You were angry): Describes a temporary state of anger or frustration.
  12. Tú estabas en el parque (You were in the park): Describes the person’s location in the past, usually during an event.
  13. Tú estabas esperando (You were waiting): Describes an ongoing action in the past.
  14. Tú estabas perdido (You were lost): Describes a temporary state of being lost or disoriented.
  15. Tú estabas pensando (You were thinking): Describes an ongoing mental activity in the past.
  16. Tú estabas estudiando (You were studying): Describes an ongoing action of studying in the past.