Here’s a chart focusing on the Spanish forms using "Tú lo harás" (You will do it - informal):

Chart: Spanish Forms with "Tú lo harás" ("You will do it")

English Spanish Usage Example Translation
You will do it Tú lo harás Estoy seguro de que tú lo harás bien. I’m sure you will do it well.
You will finish it Tú lo terminarás Sé que tú lo terminarás a tiempo. I know you will finish it on time.
You will achieve it Tú lo lograrás Estoy seguro de que tú lo lograrás. I’m sure you will achieve it.
You will complete it Tú lo completarás Tú lo completarás antes de la fecha límite. You will complete it before the deadline.
You will understand it Tú lo entenderás Si estudias, tú lo entenderás mejor. If you study, you will understand it better.
You will fix it Tú lo arreglarás Confío en que tú lo arreglarás sin problemas. I trust that you will fix it without problems.
You will see it Tú lo verás Tú lo verás cuando lleguemos al parque. You will see it when we get to the park.
You will find it Tú lo encontrarás Estoy seguro de que tú lo encontrarás pronto. I’m sure you will find it soon.
You will learn it Tú lo aprenderás Si practicas, tú lo aprenderás rápidamente. If you practice, you will learn it quickly.
You will bring it Tú lo traerás Tú lo traerás a la fiesta mañana. You will bring it to the party tomorrow.
You will take care of it Tú lo cuidarás Estoy seguro de que tú lo cuidarás bien. I’m sure you will take good care of it.
You will tell it Tú lo dirás Tú lo dirás cuando estés listo. You will tell it when you are ready.
You will remember it Tú lo recordarás Tú lo recordarás por siempre. You will remember it forever.
You will try it Tú lo intentarás Tú lo intentarás de nuevo mañana. You will try it again tomorrow.

Usage Notes:

  1. Tú lo harás (You will do it): "Tú lo harás" is used to express certainty or confidence that someone will complete an action in the future. It implies a commitment or intention to get something done.
  2. Tú lo terminarás (You will finish it): Suggests that the person will complete something they started.
  3. Tú lo lograrás (You will achieve it): Suggests that the person will successfully accomplish something.
  4. Tú lo completarás (You will complete it): Suggests that the person will fully finish a task or project.
  5. Tú lo entenderás (You will understand it): Suggests that the person will comprehend or grasp something in the future.
  6. Tú lo arreglarás (You will fix it): Suggests that the person will repair or resolve an issue.
  7. Tú lo verás (You will see it): Suggests that the person will perceive or witness something in the future.
  8. Tú lo encontrarás (You will find it): Suggests that the person will locate or discover something.
  9. Tú lo aprenderás (You will learn it): Suggests that the person will acquire knowledge or skills.
  10. Tú lo traerás (You will bring it): Suggests that the person will bring something to a specific place or event.
  11. Tú lo cuidarás (You will take care of it): Suggests that the person will take responsibility for something.
  12. Tú lo dirás (You will tell it): Suggests that the person will communicate or reveal something in the future.
  13. Tú lo recordarás (You will remember it): Suggests that the person will keep something in memory.
  14. Tú lo intentarás (You will try it): Suggests that the person will make an attempt or effort to do something.

This chart provides a comprehensive guide to using "Tú lo harás" in Spanish, helping learners understand how to express future actions or intentions with confidence and certainty in informal contexts.